Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Photo Project #1 "Childhood"

So...originally I was going to walk to the park and photograph some swings, but when I got there they were being occupied, so, at the risk of parents thinking I was a pedophile chasing me away from the park (I have a somewhat overactive imagination), I opted for this instead.  On one hand it represents childhood because it is my son's favorite toy, and on the other it represents childhood to me because it makes me think of the summers I spent hanging out on the porch with my sister, laying on the warm concrete after running through the sprinklers in our bathing suits.  I got to relive a little of that on my walk through my neighborhood, the sweet smells and the Southern California warmth brought it back just a little :)

Theme #1: Childhood

Miss Tina
OSM Photography 2012